When He Doesn't Contact You During No Contact - The Attraction Game (2024)

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No contact is one of the most effective tools at you disposal after a breakup. It will help you to move on as well as give your ex space to think about what they want. But, when he doesn’t contact you during no contact, it can be confusing and scary.

It might even influence you to consider the idea of breaking no contact.

Here’s what you need to ask yourself – if he doesn’t contact me during no contact, it means that he doesn’t care about me or our relationship like I do. So, should I be wasting my time on someone who doesn’t deserve me?

No contact is more than just a tool for getting an ex back or moving on. It’s also a test to determine the quality of a connection.

If someone truly loves you, no contact will have such a profound effect on them that they will reach out relatively soon after the breakup.

If they don’t contact you during no contact, it unfortunately means that they lost most of the feelings they claimed to have felt.

Either way, it provides you with a great and effective test to determine whether your ex is the right person for you.


Well, because I like to believe that the right person will find their way back to you more often than not.

Related post: 10 Reasons why he doesn’t call you

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why he doesn’t contact you during no contact.

1. He doesn’t care about you

As difficult as this may be to acknowledge, no contact usually reveals the truth about someone’s feelings.

If he hasn’t contacted you during no contact and the weeks are piling up on each other, it’s about time for you to realize that he doesn’t care about you anymore and it’s time for you to just focus on moving on.

Someone who genuinely cares about you will reach out to you when they start to miss you. But, to miss you, they need to actually care.

Related post: Is my ex over me?

2. He’s rebounding

Another popular reason why he doesn’t contact you during no contact is that he has jumped into a rebound relationship.

Whether he’s actually in love with this new person will depend on their history and circ*mstances of their relationship.

However, more often than not, guys jump into a rebound relationship to avoid dealing with the aftermath of a breakup.

In other words, he’s trying to escape the discomfort of a breakup but those feelings will eventually catch up to him.

3. He’s dating other people

Perhaps he hasn’t entered another relationship but is on the prowl and ‘enjoying’ his new found freedom.

Much like rebound relationships, this is just another way to avoid his feelings after the breakup.

Eventually, he’ll come crashing down to earth.

People deal with breakups differently and some men choose to chase after other women to feel better about themselves.

Related post: How long does it take for a guy to regret dumping you

4. He’s confused

When a man is indecisive, it is usually because he feels confused and uncertain about something.

For this reason, you won’t hear from them during no contact because he’s trying to figure out exactly how he feels about you and the relationship.

Breakups can create a ton of uncertainty in people’s lives so it comes as no surprise that he needs time to figure himself out.

5. He’s trying to move on

Lastly, the only other reason why he doesn’t contact you during no contact is that he wants to move on from the relationship.

Instead of jumping into a rebound relationship or coming back, he’s spending time alone processing the breakup healthily.

His ultimate goal is to move on and so to avoid creating unnecessary pain for the two of you, he has accepted the silence and chosen to move on with his life.

Related post: 2 Weeks no contact should I give up?

Now that you have an understanding as to the reasons why he hasn’t contact you, let’s talk about what you can do during no contact to move on and heal from the breakup.

1. Focus on healing

The best thing you could possibly do for yourself after a breakup is focus on healing from the pain of a loss.

It’s going to take a toll on you. It’s going to feel like a relationship has died and your life has changed.

These are normal feelings to experience.

They’re extremely difficult to deal with during the early stages of a breakup and I caution you against making any rash decisions during this time.

Instead, give yourself the time and space to feel those emotions because that is the only way to get through them and to heal from them.

Related post: How it feels to be in no contact

2. Spend time with loved ones

It can be easy to obsess over the loved one who has left your life but that should not influence you to forget about the rest of the people in your life.

Instead of distancing yourself from them, gravitate towards them.

Let them support you through this difficult time.

I’m telling you that your loved ones will give you some strength to get through this rough patch until you can thrive on your own again.

3. Build a relationship with yourself

Something that I have come to realize is that the most important relationship you can have in your life is the one that you have with yourself.

This also happens to be the bane of my existence.

I have struggled to nurture a relationship with myself for a long time because I didn’t understand how to do so.

Right now, I’m putting in the work to develop a greater understanding of myself.

It seems like the only way to do that is to spend some time alone without avoiding those thoughts or feelings that bother me.

My best friend advised me to simply ask myself this question out loud for a while – What do I want?

This is a great place to start when trying to build a relationship with yourself.

4. Avoid his social media accounts

If you’re keeping tabs on your ex, it means that you aren’t focusing on yourself and the future.

This will lead to an unhealthy habit that controls the way you feel on a daily basis.

If he’s busy moving on with his life or meeting other people, seeing this stuff on his social media will only hurt you and prolong the pain you experience.

For no contact to really work, you must distance yourself from him altogether.

5. Don’t dwell on the past

For some time, you’ll be thinking about the breakup and your relationship with him all the time. It’s going to be something you talk about with the people in your life at every chance you get.

That’s okay to do during the early stages of your breakup.

But, as time goes on and life starts to move forward, you need to set aside some time in your day to focus on the future.

Even if it’s just for an hour, force yourself to step away from those thoughts and feelings to focus on your goals, dreams, work, family or friends and most importantly, yourself.

While you’re at it, remove as many reminders of him as you possibly can during no contact.

Related post: Will my ex come back after no contact?

In conclusion

If he doesn’t contact you during no contact, it usually means that he doesn’t care anymore, he’s rebounding, he’s dating other people or he’s trying to move on.

Instead of chasing after him or fixating on whether he will come back or not, you should spend your time building a better relationship with yourself and spending time with your loved ones.

The right person for you will always find a way to gravitate back into your life.

If you have to chase or force them to be with you, it will make you feel horrible about yourself and the relationship.

So, give someone the option to choose you. If they do, they’re meant for you. If they don’t, you’re meant for someone else.

Either way, your life will go on and you are not just defined by a relationship.

No contact will not be easy at first but you have so much to gain by challenging yourself with something that can help you move on and develop a better relationship with yourself.

With that being said, I hope you enjoyed this article on ‘what to do when he doesn’t contact you during no contact’. I hope you found the advice I shared with you to be helpful and insightful. If you’d like email coaching, be sure to check out my services page for more information.

When He Doesn't Contact You During No Contact - The Attraction Game (2024)


What happens if he doesn't reach out during no contact? ›

He might be using No Contact too

Both of you have mixed feelings. At the beginning of the breakup, the dumper uses the No Contact rule to enjoy his freedom as he sets a distance from you. Thus, he doesn't contact you during No Contact because he is centered on himself and practices staying away from you.

Does no contact mean he doesn't care? ›

Yes, if he does contact you that means deep down there is a part of him that misses you. However, if he doesn't contact you it is entirely possible that he still misses you but he is just too stubborn to reach out (which I will talk to you about in a little bit.)

Why has he not contacted me? ›

When a guy doesn't call, he might be preoccupied with other work or commitments. He might've not had the time or headspace to give you a call. It's also possible that he's too busy to focus on his personal life, especially if he's someone who constantly gets overwhelmed with work.

Do guys reach out during no contact? ›

Yes, he does. Even if you might not come back together, he may feel it's essential to get your attention. Therefore, men respond to no contact.

How long does it take a guy to realize he misses you? ›

He will miss you most often after you stop missing him. So, a few weeks to two months is the answer to the question, “How long does it take for a guy to miss you?” Typically, men realize what they lost when they can't find a woman with their personality.

How long does it take a man to miss you during no contact? ›

It can take a man about 3-8 weeks to miss you, but despite what many other articles say on the topic, we advise that there should be no time limit on no contact. Were you valued in the relationship?

Does no contact mean it's over? ›

Going “no contact” allows you more time to healthily process the loss and grief of your relationship. Ultimately, it can help you mend your heart, accept that the relationship is over, and begin dating again once you're ready.

Will he miss me if I leave him alone? ›

Will he miss me after a breakup is a constant question that women have. With the majority of men, he will miss you if you leave him alone. That might sound ridiculous but there are some very good reasons behind it. 'Distance makes the heart grow fonder' is an expression that is very true.

How do you know if a guy is thinking about you during no contact? ›

What goes through a guy's mind during no-contact?
  • Thank goodness.
  • Time to explore.
  • I can't wait to get back together.
  • Everyone around him knows he is depressed.
  • He now spends excessive time online.
  • He refrains from dating for a long time.
  • He tries “too hard” to flirt with other girls.
  • He's making some serious lifestyle changes.

What to do if he never initiates contact? ›

Approach deeper topics

Be open about your feelings. Let him know you're the one initiating contact and that you notice that he rarely does. It's important to communicate at the onset of a relationship and ask for what you want.

Can a guy love you and not call you? ›

Sometimes He Doesn't Call Because He Needs To Find His Equilibrium. Sometimes, your man will not call you or pull away because even though he does LOVE you, that's what he needs to do as a man. See, men subconsciously know and feel, that relationship and closeness with you doesn't make him more worthy as a provider.

What to text a guy who is ignoring you? ›

Texts to be sent to someone who's ignoring you
  • 01/6Texts to be sent to someone who's ignoring you. ...
  • 02/6“Are you alright? ...
  • 03/6“I'm here for you whenever you want to talk” ...
  • 04/6“I'm sad that we aren't talking right now” ...
  • 05/6“So this happened today…” ...
  • 06/6“I'm sorry and I respect your space”
Jun 2, 2021

What are signs he doesn't care? ›

You seem to be his last priority

He would much rather hang out with friends or spend time engaged in a hobby than hang out with you. He may even avoid you altogether when making plans and only end up with you when he has no other options. This is a clear indicator that he doesn't care enough.

How do you know if he doesn't care anymore? ›

He is always busy and unavailable

No doubt he may have multiple things to take care of in his life, but if he likes you, he will make time for you. However, if your guy is unresponsive and is too busy even to text you back or ask about your well-being, it means he does not care.

What is the success rate of no contact? ›

The success rate of this rule is usually almost as high as 90% because the person who has broken up will inevitably contact you for one of two reasons. First, they may be missing you and feel guilty, and second, they miss having power over you and are curious to know how you are doing without them.

What to do if he doesn t care about you? ›

Don't blame yourself.

If the guy you're having trouble getting over didn't care about you, it just means that you two weren't a good fit. It can be helpful to use affirmations to remind yourself that you are not to blame. You could say things like, “I am worthy of love,” or, “This was not my fault.”

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.